THOUSANDS of benefit cheats have been exposed by failing to turn up for new get-tough stints of unpaid work.
Around half of all dole-claimants sent to do four-week community projects aren't arriving for them, The Sun can reveal.
Benefit cheats have been exposed by failing to turn up for new get-tough stints of unpaid work | The Sun |News|Politics
Tough tests have seen most new applicants for Employment and Support Allowance, the successor to Incapacity Benefit, either abandoning their claim halfway through or being found fit for work.
what does the panel think?
Around half of all dole-claimants sent to do four-week community projects aren't arriving for them, The Sun can reveal.
Benefit cheats have been exposed by failing to turn up for new get-tough stints of unpaid work | The Sun |News|Politics
Tough tests have seen most new applicants for Employment and Support Allowance, the successor to Incapacity Benefit, either abandoning their claim halfway through or being found fit for work.
what does the panel think?