I wanted to create a little POC (proof of concept) for a plan B idea.
Out comes mingw, gtk+ and off I toddle. With a little help from VectraMan on some GDI specifics I'm good to go.
I juuuuuuuuuuuuuust need to load that little memory resident bitmap into something visible, like a picture box. Goddit, GTK_Image widget. Great. How do I load a memory resident bitmap into a GKT_Widget....
Posts in GTK+ Forum.....
After a day and half, thinks ok frak it. If open sores means no documentation and piss poor help from the forums I'll go the MS route.
Downloads VC++ 2008 Express edition.
Installs it. "You need to register your product"
Registers it. "Thanks, we will email you your details"
Email arrives
No frakin registration key, so VC++ 2008 Express is totally unusable.
So in this day and age, to try and create a simple POC is a chore in itself.
10 years ago I'd have knocked a POC out in 5 minutes flat with VB6 FFS
And this is progress.
Out comes mingw, gtk+ and off I toddle. With a little help from VectraMan on some GDI specifics I'm good to go.
I juuuuuuuuuuuuuust need to load that little memory resident bitmap into something visible, like a picture box. Goddit, GTK_Image widget. Great. How do I load a memory resident bitmap into a GKT_Widget....
Posts in GTK+ Forum.....
After a day and half, thinks ok frak it. If open sores means no documentation and piss poor help from the forums I'll go the MS route.
Downloads VC++ 2008 Express edition.
Installs it. "You need to register your product"
Registers it. "Thanks, we will email you your details"
Email arrives
No frakin registration key, so VC++ 2008 Express is totally unusable.
So in this day and age, to try and create a simple POC is a chore in itself.
10 years ago I'd have knocked a POC out in 5 minutes flat with VB6 FFS
And this is progress.