I must admit Rooski is a bee-hatch to learn.
Learning the Cyrillic alphabet is easy, but the grammar is quite somthing else.
However once you get that under your belt, any other slavic languages will be easier to learn.
I am three yearss of part time study down and I am only beginning to be able to structure coherent sentences.
That being said I am pretty sure any tonal language must be light years harder.
I must admit Rooski is a bee-hatch to learn.
Learning the Cyrillic alphabet is easy, but the grammar is quite somthing else.
However once you get that under your belt, any other slavic languages will be easier to learn.
I am three yearss of part time study down and I am only beginning to be able to structure coherent sentences.
That being said I am pretty sure any tonal language must be light years harder.