NSFD ! (Not Safe For Dieters)
There are some very interesting snacks on here, and since Pot Noodles seem to be very popular, I thought the Forum may enjoy this.
Of course, with a mammoth sized Pot Noodle, you'd also need a mammoth sized w*** to accompany it.
You'd probably need to forego the Kleenex and just stick to (pun intended) the curtains.
Anyway, without further ado, here is the Monster Bombay Bad Boy.
Here is also the Monster Creme Egg that I'll be making for a friend's birthday present.
NSFD ! (Not Safe For Dieters)
There are some very interesting snacks on here, and since Pot Noodles seem to be very popular, I thought the Forum may enjoy this.
Of course, with a mammoth sized Pot Noodle, you'd also need a mammoth sized w*** to accompany it.
You'd probably need to forego the Kleenex and just stick to (pun intended) the curtains.
Anyway, without further ado, here is the Monster Bombay Bad Boy.
Here is also the Monster Creme Egg that I'll be making for a friend's birthday present.