Likes Terry Pratchett
Hates Labour
Likes Pot Noodle
Hates the working class/ chavs / the underclass
Likes shoot 'em ups games consoles
Frequents Games Workshop at the weekend
Confuses health and safety legisaltion with political correctness
Denies climate change
Pays for female company
Reads Daily Mail and The Sun
Does not question the policies of the Conservative Party
Likes war
Did I miss anything?
Likes Terry Pratchett
Hates Labour
Likes Pot Noodle
Hates the working class/ chavs / the underclass
Likes shoot 'em ups games consoles
Frequents Games Workshop at the weekend
Confuses health and safety legisaltion with political correctness
Denies climate change
Pays for female company
Reads Daily Mail and The Sun
Does not question the policies of the Conservative Party
Likes war
Did I miss anything?