We have a moral obligation to make it as hard as possible for govt to take money from us until these people learn to use the money for the benefit of those who need it above all else.
Perhaps that is where we could learn from the French who detest 'les Impots' ie taxes - in France one is not immediately taxed via PAYE - rather they declare their earnings annualy subject to many generous tax deductions - and some dont bother to declare anything at all - you might find this odd but those who dont declare cannot benefit from France's excellent Social Welfare System.
Hence the lassez-faire approach ...
Think about it.
Ironically the UK tax system was founded on Wellington's need to fund his Napoleonic campaign - now if Napoleon had won - we wouldnt have an Income Tax system at all !
The tax is used to run istitutions that are run last and least for the benefit of those who need it.
Excellent point DA - now what about the multi-Billion Trident weapon upgrade - Billions of hard working UK tax payers awarded to mainly US companies - and what is the moral aspect of spending billiions to upgrade WMDs ?
Perhaps that is where we could learn from the French who detest 'les Impots' ie taxes - in France one is not immediately taxed via PAYE - rather they declare their earnings annualy subject to many generous tax deductions - and some dont bother to declare anything at all - you might find this odd but those who dont declare cannot benefit from France's excellent Social Welfare System.
Hence the lassez-faire approach ...
Think about it.
Ironically the UK tax system was founded on Wellington's need to fund his Napoleonic campaign - now if Napoleon had won - we wouldnt have an Income Tax system at all !
The tax is used to run istitutions that are run last and least for the benefit of those who need it.
Excellent point DA - now what about the multi-Billion Trident weapon upgrade - Billions of hard working UK tax payers awarded to mainly US companies - and what is the moral aspect of spending billiions to upgrade WMDs ?