HMRC have today confirmed that they will be making a change to the operation of the off-payroll rules. From 6 April 2024, end clients who are found by HMRC to have made an incorrect “outside” IR35 status determination will be able to off-set the tax already paid (by the PSC and its director/shareholder) against their tax bill. This will significantly reduce the potential risk associated with end clients engaging with contractors on outside IR35 contracts and may go some way to reducing the number of end clients issuing blanket inside IR35 determinations or blanket banning the use of PSCs in their supply chain.
Please find the source and the link below: clause is 5.50
Please find the source and the link below: clause is 5.50
5.50 Off-Payroll Working (IR35) – calculation of PAYE liability in cases of non-compliance – The government will legislate in the Autumn Finance Bill 2023 to allow HMRC to reduce the PAYE liability of a deemed employer to account for taxes paid by a worker and their intermediary on payments received where an error has been made in applying the off-payroll working rules.