Extended until the end of November
The phone is red hot these days, only last week an agent called and said how much will it take per hour for me to finish where I am and go to his client
I am now quoting agents who call me, a rate 30% higher than the one I am on and they are accepting it
The future's bright, there's a perfect storm of demand coming to my area and I predicted it would happen around 2025, but it's already happening now
All the best,
The phone is red hot these days, only last week an agent called and said how much will it take per hour for me to finish where I am and go to his client
I am now quoting agents who call me, a rate 30% higher than the one I am on and they are accepting it
The future's bright, there's a perfect storm of demand coming to my area and I predicted it would happen around 2025, but it's already happening now
All the best,