Will swapping out electric car batteries catch on?
Interesting to see people are still pushing this model. I have always maintained it's inherently better but even if I'm right that doesn't mean it will win adoption. It just seems far neater, not only do you solve the problem of charging times but you don't need the huge supply infrastructure to charging stations. You can transport batteries like you do petrol from site to site and potentially have huge charging depots in convenient locations (like next to a power station).
Not being stuck with an aging battery also seems good.
It always interests me to think about just how anyone drives adoption/infrastructure on such a scale. Competing standards and so on mean a huge amount of work will be done and then ripped up when someone 'wins' or a standard is agreed (another fascinating topic).
Interesting to see people are still pushing this model. I have always maintained it's inherently better but even if I'm right that doesn't mean it will win adoption. It just seems far neater, not only do you solve the problem of charging times but you don't need the huge supply infrastructure to charging stations. You can transport batteries like you do petrol from site to site and potentially have huge charging depots in convenient locations (like next to a power station).
Not being stuck with an aging battery also seems good.
It always interests me to think about just how anyone drives adoption/infrastructure on such a scale. Competing standards and so on mean a huge amount of work will be done and then ripped up when someone 'wins' or a standard is agreed (another fascinating topic).