Originally posted by pennywisetrading
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The intention of the HMRC rates is not to enable employees to turn a profit but to simplify expenses. Some companies prefer to pay out a fixed rate per day for accommodation and incidentals and the HMRC guidance is there to say "these are acceptable limits and if you pay more than that then you need to account for it as a BIK".
Expenses should be reimbursed where the employee has incurred a cost on behalf of their employer in the course of performing their duties.
If you haven't incurred an expense, then it would be fraudulent to claim it.
If you feel that you could justify to HMRC in the event of an investigation that your use of their published room rates was appropriate then go ahead. It sounds like you're determined to anyway and are looking for someone to reinforce a decision you've already made.
Now we've gotten to the crux of your aims, I think it's officially open season on this thread (I'm sure AtW won't mind me saying that) as you were daft enough to post in General rather than one of the professional boards.