In Holland...
"Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has apologised for "an error of judgement" in scrapping most coronavirus restrictions in the country.
The easing three weeks ago led to infection levels surging to their highest this year as nightlife resumed for large numbers of young people.
Curbs on bars, restaurants and nightclubs were reimposed on Friday.
Previously Mr Rutte had refused to take any blame for the opening up, describing it as a "logical step".
On Saturday, the country's public health institute reported more than 10,000 new Covid cases, the highest number in a single day since December."
"Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has apologised for "an error of judgement" in scrapping most coronavirus restrictions in the country.
The easing three weeks ago led to infection levels surging to their highest this year as nightlife resumed for large numbers of young people.
Curbs on bars, restaurants and nightclubs were reimposed on Friday.
Previously Mr Rutte had refused to take any blame for the opening up, describing it as a "logical step".
On Saturday, the country's public health institute reported more than 10,000 new Covid cases, the highest number in a single day since December."