Originally posted by Whorty
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it kills anyone in the percentage that need oxygen that dont get it.
it kills anyone in the percentage that need a ventilator but dont get it.
the vast majority if they get access to the ventilator will recover.
but there simply will not be enough kit, ventilators etc, and the medics will be forced to decide which half dozen people out of 50 that need the ventilator get to use one. that medic rationing decision determines who lives and dies far more than the underlying condition.
the reality in italy is any diabetic, anyone on blood pressure meds, anyone who is even slight previous medical history is put in the "do not treat" queue as there is simply not enough capacity.
this a a rant after reading a lot of what the italian docs have said, and what the bits of research say
"Most who have died have had significant underlying illnesses." is nonsense, its often fairly minor medical histories, and hey even perfectly healthy people are not getting the kit when there is simply not enough and are being left to die when they would have recovered if the kit had been there.
rant over. this is serious stuff people!