Originally posted by Eirikur
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First I have tried putting a rennie tablet (containing Calcium Carbonate) into it (Ph of around 8 or so), but it does not seem to be dissolving, and must therefore only be effective against stronger acids. Calcium Phosphate is also fairly insoluble so would precipitate out.
I don't think there would be much difference between Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium bicarbonate because in the latter case carbon dioxide gas would be produced, which would escape, leaving Sodium Phosphate which is slightly alkali. In the case of Sodium Hydroxide only water would be produced by the same reaction.
I do have some Sodium Hydroxide somewhere in the garage, left over from a time in 1985 when I tried to do electrolysis on it molten (it has a fairly low melting point as compared to salt), in a bid to create metallic sodium. I blew the fuse in the DC power source unfortunately. But I digress..