OK. There is no such thing as the market is dry or not too good.
My opinion
If you have the experience and you are really good in what you do with a good CV . The sky is your limit (Well not really though lol -But you get the point ) . Then if people say "there are loads of contractors out there with similar skills" - Well this is were LUCK comes in .
As a contractor , it is not all about your skills and experience . Its all about selling your self to the client (Good rapport with agents and your client ) .
If you want to be a contract .... You must be a good sales man. "Your product is your skills"
My opinion
If you have the experience and you are really good in what you do with a good CV . The sky is your limit (Well not really though lol -But you get the point ) . Then if people say "there are loads of contractors out there with similar skills" - Well this is were LUCK comes in .
As a contractor , it is not all about your skills and experience . Its all about selling your self to the client (Good rapport with agents and your client ) .
If you want to be a contract .... You must be a good sales man. "Your product is your skills"