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War chests

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    Originally posted by expat View Post
    do the maths

    Sorry. Gets my goat.
    In fairness I was quoting Turion


      Originally posted by expat View Post
      Drink? Smoke? Drive? Have kids at home? Have kids at university that you'll see start life with a £20k debt over your dead body? Pay council tax on a 3-bed home? Try to save for retirement? Cover months on the bench? Have debts from an unbalanced divorce settlement?

      I do. I don't go out, ever (smoking ban helps there). I buy clothes in charity shops, my partner wears cardigans to cover worn clothes. My car is over 10 years old, my partner's is now 6, the oldest she's ever had.

      The contractor lifestyle?
      WTH??? how much do you charge??


        War Chest ?

        FFS - Why do contractors devise such puerile tragic terms for what are essentially f****** savings


          Originally posted by HeadOfTesting View Post
          You said that £300 wouldn't buy a meal for two on the high st. that's 150+ a head. Fine if it's worth that to you - I'm saying £80 is normally enough for me. What's there to argue over? I don't spend time with agents I'm pleased to say.

          I don't spend £80 everytime - and as I said - I often spend more that £300 on discretionary stuff. Oh and 80 * 4 is hardly "way more" than 300 a month - maybe you should 'do the math' again.

          I endure pizza hut when visiting the god children cos they love it but would never go to a dump like that out of choice. And I certainly don't expect a woman to contribute to the cost of a meal or produce vouchers.
          300quid for meal for 2 on the high st - maybe, but with a damn good bottle of wine or 3.

          70 is more like it - the amount you allow yourself a week. That's what I meant.


            Originally posted by Evil Hangover View Post
            War Chest ?

            FFS - Why do contractors devise such puerile tragic terms for what are essentially f****** savings
            Not sure contractors can claim credit for the term.

            I first heard it in the context of politics - in reference to building up funds for an electoral bribe - there doesn't seem much scope for that this time 'round.


              Originally posted by HeadOfTesting View Post

              The simple truth is that if you don't allow women in to your life then the costs are very easy to contain.
              Very true that
              I`m 35 and didn`t get into IT at an early age. However, never married and been able to put plenty aside as a contractor even though I like quality things and enjoy a good sportscar. I`ve also taken plenty of time out without panicking about the next contract. Mortgage is paid off, car bought for cash and if I had to i could live very cheaply indeed


                Originally posted by Turion View Post
                No he does not. 1300/month is about the take home of a parking attendant. His 'core costs' take up 75% of this meagre amount. In fact his total weekly discretionary income would not even buy a decent meal for two with wine in a high street restaurant.

                He lives a p1ss poor misers lifestyle. Yet he purports to be worth over 500/day.

                Just imagine trying to get this guy to buy his round in the pub. Then again, he probably always drinks alone, at home, where he belongs.
                Originally posted by Turion View Post
                WHS+ take the example of HoT. He claims to have built up a large stash - but what for? Apart from that he seems to have nothing, anddo nothing apart from existing to increase this so call 'war chest'.

                Even if he earnt nothing more ever, never got any interest, no pension, no nothing, that amount would last 20 years at that rate of spend.

                HoT, congrats on having such a sum set aside, but that does not exempt you from being a saddo.
                Originally posted by Turion View Post
                F off, I'm talking about ordinary high street restaurant meal for 2 (like when a bloke pays for his bird).

                And £80 is way more than your weekly discretionary spend (300/month if you do the math) The only time you get an 80 quid meal is if the client of agent pays for it.

                As for women - do any of the birds on this board want a date with this guy. Be warned, he'll take you to Pizza hut, ask that you 'go halves' on the bill (cos equality norms demands it ) and when you get your money out, he'll whip out his 2 for the price of one voucher
                Sounds like Turion's jealous.


                  Originally posted by SuperZ View Post
                  Very true that
                  I`m 35 and didn`t get into IT at an early age. However, never married and been able to put plenty aside as a contractor even though I like quality things and enjoy a good sportscar. I`ve also taken plenty of time out without panicking about the next contract. Mortgage is paid off, car bought for cash and if I had to i could live very cheaply indeed
                  It's the wife and kids that make a difference, I could have retired years ago if I was single.

                  See you, you ****. I'll cut you first...


                    Originally posted by Clippy View Post
                    Sounds like Turion's jealous.
                    Jealous - You wish! I bought my house for cash, support wife and 3 kids in good style and can and do comfortably spend way more than 1.3k / month and still put enough aside for a rainy day. I don't do school fees, flash motors or have expensive hobbies ( I do a bit of fishing instead ).

                    My method of increasing cash flow has been to upskill. 10 yrs ago I was a 15/hr support monkey. Now I'm a senior SAP Con on expenses+. I did it by ducking and diving, trying and lying - looking carefully at those who were already successful and what they did. I did not get there by ducking my round in the pub - in fact I subsidised many a piss head permie. This is what they remember, and they help you for it. It counts.


                      Originally posted by HeadOfTesting View Post
                      The simple truth is that if you don't allow women in to your life then the costs are very easy to contain.

                      I've tried that. It doesn't work for me. To my mind there's no point being filthy rich if I can't share it with someone.
                      Behold the warranty -- the bold print giveth and the fine print taketh away.

