I'd bill. You're turning up every day waiting for the dependency to be unblocked. There's an opportunity cost for you to wait around like that i.e. you could be working on other stuff.
It might get tricky when the client asks you "erm, so what have you done the last X weeks / months?". Is there some documentation / administrative stuff you can do in the meantime to 'prepare' for the dependency to be unblocked?
Ultimately it comes down to the wording in your contract. In my past experience I've always billed when there's been a dependency I'm waiting on. Although it has never taken more than a week to resolve so YMMV.
It might get tricky when the client asks you "erm, so what have you done the last X weeks / months?". Is there some documentation / administrative stuff you can do in the meantime to 'prepare' for the dependency to be unblocked?
Ultimately it comes down to the wording in your contract. In my past experience I've always billed when there's been a dependency I'm waiting on. Although it has never taken more than a week to resolve so YMMV.