OP is very naive and has not a real understanding of what an agency actually does. Especially finding the new contracts bit and engaging with clients. This costs a lot of time and effort, find the right people, build a relation ship and maintain the relationship.
Another important advantage of using an agency are your payment terms. Some pay me within 7 days some bit longer but never longer then 30 days.
I had direct contracts with 90 days payment terms and in most cases they didn't even meet that criteria, so had to chase and in some cases threaten with legal action
It doesn't mean I like agencies (some are good though) but it's a necessary evil.
Another important advantage of using an agency are your payment terms. Some pay me within 7 days some bit longer but never longer then 30 days.
I had direct contracts with 90 days payment terms and in most cases they didn't even meet that criteria, so had to chase and in some cases threaten with legal action
It doesn't mean I like agencies (some are good though) but it's a necessary evil.