If Cameron had won his referendum, Labour would be languishing in the polls at 20%, taxes would slowly be reduced and certainly not raised.
It was always clear even many years ago that leaving the EU "properly" ie. turning the UK into a low tax "Singapore" with sweat shops and a skeleton NHS, with patients being left in the court yard would result in a leftwing backlash.
I reckon Corbyn is hoping for a no deal Brexit, as he will be able to sweep to victory jack up the top rate of tax to 90% as a temporary measure and declare a state of national emergency nationalising most industries.
Brexit is in short a left wing dream.
It was always clear even many years ago that leaving the EU "properly" ie. turning the UK into a low tax "Singapore" with sweat shops and a skeleton NHS, with patients being left in the court yard would result in a leftwing backlash.
I reckon Corbyn is hoping for a no deal Brexit, as he will be able to sweep to victory jack up the top rate of tax to 90% as a temporary measure and declare a state of national emergency nationalising most industries.
Brexit is in short a left wing dream.