Originally posted by original PM
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How does putting up tariff and Non tariff barriers to trade with our largest export market, a situation likely to lead to massive economic contraction contribute to your goal to "do the best they can for the UK population"?
How does the UK falling out of every single free trade deal the EU has negotiated (which would happen in a No deal situation as the EU would veto our continued participation on those deals)
contribute to your goal to "do the best they can for the UK population"?
Brexiters are asking us to embark on a course of action that has no precedent. A major world economy putting up barriers to trade with it's largest trading partner. They can't tell us how long the 'Short term disruption' would last for, nor can they tell us how many jobs would be lost, nor by how much would GDP be shrunk, yet they have the brass neck to rain insults on those who are simply trying to ensure the economy is not blown up by the demented Brexit demands.