I have been working for the same bank through the same agency for the last three years
I am thinking of taking out a policy in case I get made redundant / not renewed.
I cannot work out if i am a fixed term contractor or self employed. I have twelve month contract and have been renewed a few times but i get paid through my own ltd
Am I self employed or fixed term contractor
Here is the policy wording
Contract worker - Working under a contract of
employment or a contractfor services
for a fixed period oftime.
Self-employed - Working alone orin association with
self-employment others,(whetherin a partnership or as a
member of a limited liability
partnership) being liable to pay Income
Tax andNational Insurance
contributions on the basis applicable to
the self-employed: or
Being an employee of a business or
Company in which you have a
shareholding of 25%ormore.
I am thinking of taking out a policy in case I get made redundant / not renewed.
I cannot work out if i am a fixed term contractor or self employed. I have twelve month contract and have been renewed a few times but i get paid through my own ltd
Am I self employed or fixed term contractor
Here is the policy wording
Contract worker - Working under a contract of
employment or a contractfor services
for a fixed period oftime.
Self-employed - Working alone orin association with
self-employment others,(whetherin a partnership or as a
member of a limited liability
partnership) being liable to pay Income
Tax andNational Insurance
contributions on the basis applicable to
the self-employed: or
Being an employee of a business or
Company in which you have a
shareholding of 25%ormore.