Hi there
I am delurking after reading all this excellent information
I was also in MP and so have some concerns over this whole matter.
Does anyone know specifically, and can safely state here, the particular bit of human rights legislation we feel the IR have breached?
My assumption is - and this could be flawed! - that it is not specifically in the interests of the government as a whole to bankrupt people. Bankrupt people cannot ply their trade and will be a burden on the state as they'll probably end up claiming various benefits. I suspect it is in their interests to provide a strong incentive to pay more tax, one which is well served by putting the fear of god into people by this persecution of a handful of high earners. If that task can be completed without causing bankruptcy then all the better for then, no one likes a zero sum game.
Come what may, I have a fascinating career, working with intelligent people on cutting edge projects that have filled me with huge amounts of satisfaction, and I can hold my head up high as I haven't done anything 'wrong', as such. If I worked for the Revenue, knowing I was maligned by all, in a dead end job (let's face it, what options have you got if you are a pen pusher there) on a poor - average wage made from putting normal people through hell, then I'd probably not be feeling great in myself!
Hi there
I am delurking after reading all this excellent information
I was also in MP and so have some concerns over this whole matter.
Does anyone know specifically, and can safely state here, the particular bit of human rights legislation we feel the IR have breached?
My assumption is - and this could be flawed! - that it is not specifically in the interests of the government as a whole to bankrupt people. Bankrupt people cannot ply their trade and will be a burden on the state as they'll probably end up claiming various benefits. I suspect it is in their interests to provide a strong incentive to pay more tax, one which is well served by putting the fear of god into people by this persecution of a handful of high earners. If that task can be completed without causing bankruptcy then all the better for then, no one likes a zero sum game.
Come what may, I have a fascinating career, working with intelligent people on cutting edge projects that have filled me with huge amounts of satisfaction, and I can hold my head up high as I haven't done anything 'wrong', as such. If I worked for the Revenue, knowing I was maligned by all, in a dead end job (let's face it, what options have you got if you are a pen pusher there) on a poor - average wage made from putting normal people through hell, then I'd probably not be feeling great in myself!