Originally posted by TAF4
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Or there is the umbrella option, you might not take home as much but you can sleep at night, although even an limitied company operating within IR35 is more tax efficient than an umbrella.
I say again, if you do not fully understand how the loans scheme works then you are potentially just creating another set of woes to add to your existing set of woes. Feeling you have no alternative, when you clearly do, is not reason enough to be in another scheme in my opinion.
As a lay person I feel I understand most of the loan schemes out there from talking to colleagues who are on them. Some seem to me a lot better than others. They are all fairly simple to understand at a high level (without going into the low level detail of the law of course).
You might find the following very recent judgement interesting reading, in this case the loans from a family trust setup by the employer worked but payments into the trust were not deductable for corporation tax purposes so ultimately it didn't really work but it highlights the issues you need to consider yourself.