I've read most of the threads on here around B2L/Ltd ownership, and just musing over the following approach and would appreciate people's opinions.
- I have a number of rental properties that are owned outright and through a combination of PPR and Lettings Relief currently would not be subject to any CGT if I sold them.
- I have a surplus of funds in my Ltd Company.
- I currently live off the rental income and small salary & dividends, keeping my total income below the higher rate threshold.
- There is a possibility (not certain at all) of a permanent role on the horizon. Combined with my rental income this would likely see a chunk of my overall income in the £100-£120k bracket, therefore paying an effective 60% IIRC on that slice.
An Approach:
1. Sell Property 1 to my company at market value (£350k). £18k SDLT + legal fees. £350k to me.
2. I then lend my company a sum of money (probably around £150k), and my company uses this to purchase Property 2 from me at £175k. £6.25k SDLT.
3. Ltd company uses remaining retained profit and future rental income to repay the loan.
4. Some years down the line and the loan is repaid I can extract rental income via dividends (likely to be retired at this point, so Higher Rate tax not an issue), or sell another property to the company to create another loan.
5. Yet further down the line, I or my kids will have the problem of selling the houses and getting the cash out in an efficient manner, but who knows what will happen that far away.
Depending on whether I am still contracting I'll need to use this / a different Ltd for that / an SPV for the property ownership etc, but that is (possibly) a different discussion.
From what I can tell, the above would enable me to extract cash from my Ltd in a tax fee manner (£525k eventually) however there would be something like £25k of SDLT and legal fees to pay. Things get more complicated when CGT comes into play, but that's a different fag packet.
What am I missing? When Komrade gets in at No10 I'm screwed whatever as a Ltd Company running, warchest possessing, slum landlord but under current legislation have I missed something obvious?.
Otherwise I guess it is crack on with Plan A: Keep the property owned personally, continue to build the warchest until I retire and then extract the funds by whatever means is best (MVL if still possible, otherwise just draw down over many years).
- I have a number of rental properties that are owned outright and through a combination of PPR and Lettings Relief currently would not be subject to any CGT if I sold them.
- I have a surplus of funds in my Ltd Company.
- I currently live off the rental income and small salary & dividends, keeping my total income below the higher rate threshold.
- There is a possibility (not certain at all) of a permanent role on the horizon. Combined with my rental income this would likely see a chunk of my overall income in the £100-£120k bracket, therefore paying an effective 60% IIRC on that slice.
An Approach:
1. Sell Property 1 to my company at market value (£350k). £18k SDLT + legal fees. £350k to me.
2. I then lend my company a sum of money (probably around £150k), and my company uses this to purchase Property 2 from me at £175k. £6.25k SDLT.
3. Ltd company uses remaining retained profit and future rental income to repay the loan.
4. Some years down the line and the loan is repaid I can extract rental income via dividends (likely to be retired at this point, so Higher Rate tax not an issue), or sell another property to the company to create another loan.
5. Yet further down the line, I or my kids will have the problem of selling the houses and getting the cash out in an efficient manner, but who knows what will happen that far away.
Depending on whether I am still contracting I'll need to use this / a different Ltd for that / an SPV for the property ownership etc, but that is (possibly) a different discussion.
From what I can tell, the above would enable me to extract cash from my Ltd in a tax fee manner (£525k eventually) however there would be something like £25k of SDLT and legal fees to pay. Things get more complicated when CGT comes into play, but that's a different fag packet.
What am I missing? When Komrade gets in at No10 I'm screwed whatever as a Ltd Company running, warchest possessing, slum landlord but under current legislation have I missed something obvious?.
Otherwise I guess it is crack on with Plan A: Keep the property owned personally, continue to build the warchest until I retire and then extract the funds by whatever means is best (MVL if still possible, otherwise just draw down over many years).