Originally posted by mudskipper
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Originally posted by mudskipper
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Darren Roberts was not just a low level flunky, he was allowed to use the title Head of Contractor Services. Like here. If DJR is DJU, I can't believe they put him in that position without knowing. Maybe that could happen 5-10 years after he got out of prison, and built up some recent work history, maybe they wouldn't check carefully that far back. But within a couple years of him getting out? Not very credible, is it? And if he isn't, I can't understand why they won't say so.
So I'm starting to think there's a strong possibility Dynamo did know. Even if they didn't, it's a bad look.
I'd be moving elsewhere if they can't come up with something more substantive than 'we can't say anything.' Too bad. If they really can't say anything it is either because they knew, or because they dropped the ball badly.
Only my opinion.