As you may be aware, HMRC are currently conducting enquiries into certain schemes. Sanzar, Garraway, Winchester, Darwin and IQ are among many other schemes that are affected by these enquiries. For Sanzar initially they have requested a large payment is made back to them by each of their users based on a retrospective recalculation of their tax liability.
Under new legislation approved in 2014, HMRC will be able to issue Advance Payment Notices (APN's) for money that they believe is owed to them. Under this new APN concept we will have to pay up the amount within 90 days of receiving this notification without a right to appeal.
We have created a private group where all affected and potentially affected scheme users can join forces to appoint a tax specialist/law firm that will help us understand what our rights are and where we stand legally.
It is important to understand that even if you have not yet received enquiry letters you most probably will in due course and we need to ensure we all come together in order to have some sort of chance of getting a fair treatment.
In order to become part of the private group you will need to provide proof of having been part/or being part of any these schemes.
If you have any questions on the subject please PM myself or Old Kent Road.
Under new legislation approved in 2014, HMRC will be able to issue Advance Payment Notices (APN's) for money that they believe is owed to them. Under this new APN concept we will have to pay up the amount within 90 days of receiving this notification without a right to appeal.
We have created a private group where all affected and potentially affected scheme users can join forces to appoint a tax specialist/law firm that will help us understand what our rights are and where we stand legally.
It is important to understand that even if you have not yet received enquiry letters you most probably will in due course and we need to ensure we all come together in order to have some sort of chance of getting a fair treatment.
In order to become part of the private group you will need to provide proof of having been part/or being part of any these schemes.
If you have any questions on the subject please PM myself or Old Kent Road.