- Copy the following (very long) line of code (a triple-click anywhere in the code box ought to select it all):
(N.B. This is the new, more efficient version; the old version is left below for completeness.)
Code:javascript:(function(){var memberURL, i, limit, reputationItem, userId, reputationList = document.getElementById("latest_reputation"),reputationItems = reputationList.getElementsByTagName("li"),connections = [],insertUsernameForId = function(element, id) {var connection;if (id in connections) { connection = connections[id];connection.elements[connection.elements.length] = element;} else {connection = connections[id] = {"http": new XMLHttpRequest(),"elements": [element]};memberURL = self.location.protocol + "//" + self.location.host + "/member.php/" + id;connection.http.open("GET", memberURL, true);connection.http.onreadystatechange = function(connection) {return function() {if (connection.http.readyState == 4) {var i, limit, elements, text = connection.http.responseText,username = /<title>View Profile: (.*) - Contractor UK Bulletin Board<\/title>/.exec(text)[1];for (i = 0, elements = connection.elements, limit = elements.length; i < limit; i++) {elements[i].appendChild(document.createElement("p")).appendChild(document.createElement("b")).appendChild(document.createTextNode("Repped by: " + username));}}};}(connection);connection.http.send("");}};for (i = 0; reputationItem = reputationItems[i]; i++) {userId = /[^_]\d*$/.exec(reputationItem.id)[0];insertUsernameForId(reputationItem, userId);}})()
Code:javascript:(function() {var http, memberURL;var reputationList = document.getElementById("latest_reputation");var reputationItems = reputationList.getElementsByTagName("li");var t = [];var readystatechangeFactory = function(http, element, id) {return function() {if (http.readyState == 4) {var text = http.responseText;var userId = /<title>View Profile: (.*) - Contractor UK Bulletin Board<\/title>/.exec(text)[1];element.appendChild(document.createElement("p")).appendChild(document.createElement("b")).appendChild(document.createTextNode("Repped by: " + userId));}}};for (var i = 0, l = reputationItems.length, userId; i < l; i++) {http = new XMLHttpRequest();userId = /[^_]\d*$/.exec(reputationItems[i].id)[0];memberURL = self.location.protocol + "//" + self.location.host + "/member.php/" + userId;http.open("GET", memberURL, true);http.onreadystatechange = readystatechangeFactory(http, reputationItems[i], userId);http.send("");}})()
- Go to your settings page;
- Paste the code you just copied into your location bar;
- Hit Enter.
Wait a few seconds for the code to fetch the data, and each of your reps will acquire an additional line giving the username of the person who awarded it
You can turn that code into a bookmark on your bookmarks bar, for easy use in future, but the steps vary depending on browser; try having a look at the info in Wikipedia: Bookmarklet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'll post a neatly-formatted version of the code below for those who want to check out how it works - it's pretty trivial