Following just over 3 years of being on HRs naughty list and suffering pure/concentrated existential dread brought on by permiedom (my new favourite word), I finally have enough savings to confidently take on the risks of potentially being out of work for a while. It has felt great handing my notice in and setting up my LTD—a sense of freedom I've not really felt during my career thus far. Permie life felt like I had never left highschool on one too many occasions, or like I was an initiate in some whacky cult on others.
I had given my employer a chance to keep me (with outrageous demands). The response was, "at that salary you'd be within the top X% of devs within the company, and would be leapfrogging others". 2 weeks later and I've now lined up a gig which will essentially double my ~£45k gross salary. But best of all, I'll never have to deal with the absolute plum in accounting/HR ever again.
This first gig is (unfortunately) through an intermediary, but I managed to pass a client interview to get onto a 6 mo contract which has been a decent confidence boost. I had originally set myself up an LTD, but I'll be operating as a sole trader at least for the next 6 months. I don't fully understand why the intermediary is wanting to deal with sole traders as opposed to an LTD (my understanding was that they'd be taking on more liability re: IR35 etc.), but hey ho, I'm just going for it since I'll be involved with some former workmates, and it won't feel as much like jumping into the complete unknown. Maybe an accountant will be able to shed some light on it once I get round to setting that up.
Just wanted to say hello, and thanks for all the useful posts about getting yourself set up to start contracting. Time to sink or swim! (or be sent back to permie life by HMRC )
I had given my employer a chance to keep me (with outrageous demands). The response was, "at that salary you'd be within the top X% of devs within the company, and would be leapfrogging others". 2 weeks later and I've now lined up a gig which will essentially double my ~£45k gross salary. But best of all, I'll never have to deal with the absolute plum in accounting/HR ever again.
This first gig is (unfortunately) through an intermediary, but I managed to pass a client interview to get onto a 6 mo contract which has been a decent confidence boost. I had originally set myself up an LTD, but I'll be operating as a sole trader at least for the next 6 months. I don't fully understand why the intermediary is wanting to deal with sole traders as opposed to an LTD (my understanding was that they'd be taking on more liability re: IR35 etc.), but hey ho, I'm just going for it since I'll be involved with some former workmates, and it won't feel as much like jumping into the complete unknown. Maybe an accountant will be able to shed some light on it once I get round to setting that up.
Just wanted to say hello, and thanks for all the useful posts about getting yourself set up to start contracting. Time to sink or swim! (or be sent back to permie life by HMRC )