Anybody using it?
I've been trying out VS 2010 C++ Express on a plan B project that doesn't need anything more than Express. There's a lot of good things: intellisense works more often than not for one, and I've made pleanty of use of the new C++ auto and shared_ptr features, but overall it's S L O W.
And by slow I don't mean slow to compile, or slow to load, or anything you might expect. It's the text editor that's slow. It randomy pauses in the middle of doing things, and often feels like the screen update is half a second behind what you're typing. I guess for people that program by drag and drop it's not such a big deal (they work at glacial speed anyway), but for those of us that like to type things it's infuriating.
How can they go to all this effort and fail at the single most basic requirement of an IDE: to be able to edit code. Grrrr.
Turning off all the intelligent squiggly underline type stuff makes no difference. Has anyone been through the pain and found a way of speeding it up? Otherwise it looks like I'll be back to VS2005 and defining my iterators the hard way.
I've been trying out VS 2010 C++ Express on a plan B project that doesn't need anything more than Express. There's a lot of good things: intellisense works more often than not for one, and I've made pleanty of use of the new C++ auto and shared_ptr features, but overall it's S L O W.
And by slow I don't mean slow to compile, or slow to load, or anything you might expect. It's the text editor that's slow. It randomy pauses in the middle of doing things, and often feels like the screen update is half a second behind what you're typing. I guess for people that program by drag and drop it's not such a big deal (they work at glacial speed anyway), but for those of us that like to type things it's infuriating.
How can they go to all this effort and fail at the single most basic requirement of an IDE: to be able to edit code. Grrrr.
Turning off all the intelligent squiggly underline type stuff makes no difference. Has anyone been through the pain and found a way of speeding it up? Otherwise it looks like I'll be back to VS2005 and defining my iterators the hard way.