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Previously on "test please delete"


  • NickFitz
    Lots of Monkey Life as usual today, and then more wildlife stuff, including a thing following the macaques of Singapore. Some of them probably appeared as background extras in the series about the otters

    This evening, I made a start on Inventing the Renaissance: Myths of a Golden Age in which historian Ada Palmer sets out to explain why you can't really believe the things historians tell you about the Renaissance, because people don't actually live their lives in Ages and times that are described as the height of civilisation now were often regarded as really crappy by those living through them. She's been teasing the book with a bunch of interesting and amusing Bluesky threads over the past month or two and it was published on Thursday, so this one's hot off the press

    More Monkey Life in the morning, so an early night for me

    Goodnight all

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  • NickFitz
    Tea was brought to me from Popeyes. Very nice again

    They missed one item from the order though. It was only a small side thing I was getting as an experiment, so the lack of it is annoying rather than disastrous. Deliveroo have refunded me, but what the dish tastes like will remain a mystery for now

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  • NickFitz
    Just found out that the health centre's flooded again, just as the renovations after the flood a year ago were nearing completion

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  • NickFitz
    Sausage bap (white) for lunch

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  • NickFitz
    Morning denizens

    Grey damp day out, with rain expected on and off until teatime. Currently 3°C and soon to be 4° though it "feels like" -1° due to the light breeze, with the barometers down to 1007/1015mB

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  • DoctorStrangelove





    Chilly in here at 11.8 deg, 10 deg in the kitchen, 8 deg in the leanto.

    1015 mBar, 29.973 in Hg, 761.31 Torr, 14.72 psi, (untapped), 59% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 27th of December 2019 Brillo posted a lot in search of a PALI. .

    Lunch: brunch.

    Entertainment: FOOC. Bit of Money Box.

    Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the grey gloom. It didn't rain on me.

    Freecell score: 90%, running average: 81%.

    Tea: beans on toast etc.

    Entertainment: 18 o'clock news.

    Thing on BBC Alba "Beloved Wilderness (1970)" about the Highland & Islands Development Board: it's just mentioned the British Aluminium smelter at Invergordon that lasted a whole 10 years. Guess who was in power when it shut.

    Thing on BBC4 about "The banks of the Bann" Ulster in Focus. His hovercraft was full of eels.

    Queen: rags to richesrhapsody.

    Engineering Mistakes Already watched it.
    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; Yesterday, 22:30.

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  • WTFH
    Morning all
    Murky out. Have delayed walking as long as possible to see if it improves. Looks like we’re going to get wet.

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  • ladymuck

    Morning all, local time 0928

    Sunny with a bit of cloud. Chilly at -1 ('feels like' -3) and a high of 6. Barometer down to 1022 mBar.

    Sunrise 07:59; Sunset 18:12

    Last day in Paris. Off for a nice lunch, after we check out, and then we head to the airport.

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  • NickFitz
    Tonight's major motion picture premiere was hot off whatever it is films come off, having been released to Apple TV+ today: The Gorge (2025) which starts out seeming like a standard black ops thriller, but then gets very weird. Like many Apple films, I found it an entertaining specimen of its ilk though not outstanding enough that I'm likely to watch it again

    In that respect it differs from Train to Busan (2016) because I felt like something a bit more cheery and deranged zombies on a Korean train seemed to fit the bill, probably because the Korean movie industry is a bit more adventurous than Hollywood and happy to make a film involving numerous graphic deaths into something fun

    And then another episode of Masters of the Air in which my contempt for the producers rose to new heights in the first few minutes, due to an airman being sent to a conference at Balliol College, Oxford and informed by the English serviceman showing him to his rooms that he probably wouldn't have much time to go "off campus"

    Goodnight all

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  • NickFitz
    Tea has been a thick-cut ribeye steak with chips, fried onions, and beans

    I haven't been going for the thick-cut ones so much recently as they're a lot to handle, but this one had such excellent marbling that I couldn't pass it by

    And this morning I unmade the bed and left it to air, so this evening I've had to remake it, which has now been achieved

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  • NickFitz
    Find places local to you that stock Viz: https://services.marketforce.co.uk/s...spx?pubcode=40

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  • NickFitz
    Originally posted by xoggoth View Post

    Last one I got is 342. Was no Viz on shelf last week either. No Viz! May give up on Sainsburies.
    Check they haven't moved it. My one rearranged the magazine racks last year and it took me a couple of minutes to work out where they'd put Viz. IIRC it was close to the New Statesman

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  • NickFitz
    A-shopping I did go and despite the dire prognostications of the weather app, it felt perfectly OK out

    The car also started first time without any difficulty despite not having been used for two weeks, so I think it's safe to say that the new battery is doing its job

    I went to Big Sainsbury's, largely because I set off in that direction out of habit and only remembered that I'd thought of going to the nearer one when I was halfway there

    I think I managed to get everything I wanted except sardines in tomato sauce, which I forgot because I didn't go down the relevant aisle

    And so home, with lunch from the hot food counter of a couple of garlic & herb chicken thighs

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  • xoggoth
    Nice sunny morning doing my volunteery litter pick thing. Much nicer than it sounds, green areas round town. Loony lady 1 this afternoon. Same old place! Wish I could get her to be a bit more adventurous.

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  • WTFH
    Morning all

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