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Previously on "test please delete"


  • sadkingbilly
    morning all
    it's a blues tune today. miserable wet, windy king billy* Monday.
    I think i'll stay indoors.

    *4deg -feels like -1

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  • sadkingbilly
    Originally posted by NickFitz View Post

    And then some more of Character Limit. I either hadn't heard or had forgotten that immediately after taking over Twitter, Musk came to believe on the basis of no evidence whatsoever that lots of the company's employees were fake, so the HR department at the HQ in San Francisco had to waste huge amounts of time getting managers at all of their offices around the world to confirm that the people who worked for them were real humans
    did they have to find pics of bicycles and traffic lights?

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  • DoctorStrangelove


    Dry damp with a hint of drizzle.

    Wanly sunny.

    Chilly in here at 11.2 deg, 10 deg in the kitchen, 8 deg in the leanto.

    1022 mBar, 30.185 in Hg, 766.7 Torr, 14.826 psi, (down from 1026 last night), 61% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 26th of December 2019 LM & HWMBO visited her parents & was surprised with the entire family turned up, with HWMBO feeling under the weather on the way back, NF noted that his local association football team was playing in Leicester with a distinct lack of interest, and I had chilli con carne for tea & finished of "The Dresden Files" & moved on to "Tinker Tailor" for amusement.

    Gosh. The mention of breaded haddock brought back in a flash a memory of my very late Gran frying fish on a frying pan over the open fire in the kitchen next door. . Not a day less than 60 years ago. .
    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; Today, 09:41.

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  • WTFH
    morning all
    Rainy overnight leading to a wet walk this morning with quite a cold breeze, air temp of 4.5C felt "a lot colder"

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  • WTFH
    Originally posted by NickFitz View Post
    Tea has been chunky breaded haddock with chips and beans
    Ours was chunky breaded haddock, but with cauliflower cheese.

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  • NickFitz
    Morning denizens

    Grey start again, and damp again after some more rain late last night or early this morning. Currently 3°C yet it's supposed to "feel like" -4°, so who knows what the predicted high of 4° will feel like, given that it's expected to coincide with the return of the wind. The barometers are almost the same at 1016/1024mB

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  • NickFitz
    The usual Monkey Life this morning. Turns out I was mistaken about S16 next week being the newest - they're up to S17, so it'll still be repeats for a couple more weeks, albeit of stuff that's only been on once before (not counting the subscription-only Sky channels)

    During the rest of the day I managed to find time to do some more mucking around with SpriteKit and such, including sending the app over to the iPad so I could see how the interaction works on an actual touchscreen

    This evening's viewing was an old(ish) 24 Hours in A&E

    And then some more of Character Limit. I either hadn't heard or had forgotten that immediately after taking over Twitter, Musk came to believe on the basis of no evidence whatsoever that lots of the company's employees were fake, so the HR department at the HQ in San Francisco had to waste huge amounts of time getting managers at all of their offices around the world to confirm that the people who worked for them were real humans

    Monday again tomorrow. But what can you do

    Goodnight all

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  • NickFitz
    Originally posted by ladymuck View Post

    No it was a direct flight from Auckland to San Francisco
    There's still time! It's on - well, under - your route

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  • NickFitz
    Tea has been chunky breaded haddock with chips and beans

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  • ladymuck
    Originally posted by NickFitz View Post

    Presumably going via some remote airfield in Newfoundland like characters in a Nevil Shute novel
    No it was a direct flight from Auckland to San Francisco

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  • ladymuck

    Morning all, San Francisco calling, local time 0802

    Looks like a clear blue sky with a touch of haziness. Currently 6 degrees with a high of 14 expected. Barometer at 1024 mBar.

    Sunrise 07:05; Sunset 17:43

    The 12h flight from Auckland was uneventful, as one would always hope. We have about 5h in the same lounge as last week before heading off to Frankfurt this afternoon.

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  • xoggoth
    Another nice volunteery morning. Finished just before it started raining. Free biscuits!

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  • NickFitz
    Originally posted by DoctorStrangelove View Post

    Hopefully not "No Highway" .
    They end up stranded at Gander in that one IIRC

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  • NickFitz
    Lunch: Heinz tomato soup with white toast

    The wind seems to be getting stronger, coming from the NE so quite chilly. I've got the kitchen and bedroom windows open to get some fresh air through the place while it's available, but I think I'll have to close them if it gets any stronger. And there's rain due in half an hour or so

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  • DoctorStrangelove
    Originally posted by NickFitz View Post
    Presumably going via some remote airfield in Newfoundland like characters in a Nevil Shute novel
    Hopefully not "No Highway" .




    Sunny. :.

    Chilly in here at 11.4 deg, 9.5 in the kitchen, 7 deg in the leanto.

    1024.5 mBar, 30.25 in Hg, 768.44 Torr, 14.859 psi (up from 1020 last night), 62% RH (Lidl electric).

    Meanwhile on the 26th of December 2019 NF was waiting for his brother to turn up for lunch and hadn't had breakfast because lunch was supposedly early, I had beans on toast, NF made off with a bottle of scotch, whilst his brother had the gin, the Polish cafe was closed, but the picture framer was presumably framing pictures, no doubt due to the endless ennui of the season.

    Walk (unabbreviated) walked in the greyish gloom with wan sunshine if you used some imagination.

    Lunch: brunch.

    Entertainment: Just a minute. TWATO. Book.

    Got bored & couldn't settle, so:

    Shopping trip to Aldi & Tesco done dusted washed dried sanitised & put away.

    Book. Other book.

    Tea: beans on toast etc. Nice enough.

    Entertainment: that poetry thing on R4 <click>

    River Hunters: some Scottish river or other. Curiously not in the list on IMDB.

    Viking Dead. Anglosaxon massacre thereof on Ridgeway Hill Dorset. All 54 of them.

    Traitors. Marcus Wolfe: the romeo strategy.

    Watching that "Hidden dangers of the post war house" thing again on PBS and spotted the explosive mixture that killed the skoolboy:


    would appear to be it.

    It's known as Armstrong's mixture apparently and is sensitive as well as being explosive, so hammering it into a steel tube wasn't wise.

    Following which it's on to chicken rearing, going from 5 million a year in 52 to 70 million a year in 57 (or whatever): introducing salmonella to the housewife.
    Last edited by DoctorStrangelove; Yesterday, 23:02.

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