Originally posted by Mich the Tester
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Its about low economic value foreigners entering the UK, their ability to undercut the locals and to claim benefits and use resources.
Even if they work 48 hours a week down t' pits they can claim working family tax credit. That is not their fault, I even admire them for it. While they undercut locals (of all flavours) we have to pay the locals benefits. so its a double whammy.
This combined with the issues to social cohesion of a massive change in population composition is a serious problem.
If it were highly skilled migrants with no recourse to public services or funds they would better received.
If the system worked and this wasn't a pull factor I believe we would have less immigration.
It was OG that got excited about his missus drawing benefits, I pointed out she probably wouldn't get any despite her contributions because that isn't how the system works and he is better off insuring himself.
The thing I was really shocked by was that in one decade we had imported more people than the previous 50 years. This was a cynical plan by a government that I didn't vote for.
In fact when I first posted I didn't make any comment. It wasn't until someone suggested 13% compared to the swiss 20% was reasonable. I pointed out we weren't comparing like for like.
not quite sure how that is going on about foreign workers claiming benefit.
of course you could all be prejudiced about the subject.
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