Originally posted by cntl1
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I spent the early part of this year doing proof of concepts for a client on .NET Core and Angular 2. Let's be clear on this. .Net Core is a complete and utter rip-off of Node.js. It's vintage Microsoft. The issue I have for this kind of setup is that it may well improve on node performance and offer multi-threaded capability but it just introduces another package manager (nuget), another project configuration (msbuild I think they have reverted to now, from json), just more complexity that simply isn't needed. Anybody considering doing server-side MVC is living in the past. It's all client-side MVC frameworks now like Angular and React. This, coming from a guy who makes a very good living off the MS stack and has done so since .NET Beta 1. MS should have focused on what they can actually control (Enterprise desktop development - windows is still everywhere) instead of wanting a piece of Apple and Google's pie. It's backfired and now they are nowhere.
But all the innovation is happening away from MS these days, yet luddites like me are/were clinging on hoping for a return to form. It ain't happening. The world has moved on and despite being dragged kicking and screaming into this new web stack/open source world, it ain't that bad really. Different but fundamentally the same. Different terms for similar concepts. Very little is new these days except the marketing.
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