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There's shedloads of other fascinating stuff like that on there - well, for certain values of fascinating
I've always liked North End, the Tube station that never was, myself - when I was working in London over the past year I travelled through it every morning and night, and it was nice to know what those unexpected lights in the tunnel were.
It would have been the deepest (below ground level) station on the whole network if it had ever opened, but that honour still belongs to its southward neighbour, Hampstead.
We all know that you do that because it's fun... and you get to charge people for it
I bet you'd be involved in Subterranea Brittanica if there was a shilling to be made - and why not
I'm actually hoping to get involved (employed) on the Penzance and Scilly Isles development.
Waiting (impatiently) for a call from the main contractors
Fingers crossed that I get in. The money will be half what I would get elsewhere, but I really want in on this project.
There are occasionally some cracking lines in Babylon 5...
Only one Earth captain has ever survived in battle with the Minbari.
He is behind me.
You are in front of me.
I suggest you be somewhere else.
Of course, the nicest touch is that this is said by a female Minbar - and Earthforce emulates Brave Sir Robin:
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled,
Yes, Brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out,
Bravely taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat...