Originally posted by DoctorStrangelove
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Clouds of quite what is debatable. <-
The sun is streaming into the lab which bodes well for Esteemed Customer satisfaction once we actually get the fecking place wired up for that new fangled electrick stuff.
You couldn't make it up, really you couldn't.
They'd better start working a bit quicker or it's gonna be really really embarassing.
And who the feck thought benches on fecking wheels was anything like a good idea?
Are we having bench races now the Esteemed Customers have chairs without wheels?
Thankfully it's about 24 "Age Concern" degrees in here.
The bus was rather chilly this morning, what with the window being open and all.
It takes about 10 minutes to walk from the bus stop to the slough of despond.
Can't decide which bus stop to use on the way home this evening, being spoiled for choice and all of them requiring traffic lights to cross.
The Google maps thing is good for finding out where the bus stops are, I've just discovered.
Never needed to know before this.
And have I mentioned the flies?
There's lots & lots of flies.