I am nearly dead.
An infinity of lawns mown (or at least it feels like an infinity).
The hedge thing down the garden duly hacked so I can walk on the garden paths without getting soaked or ending up on next door's lawn.
The ZeitTea this evening will be lentil <pfffffft> soup since it's been simmering on the hob since this morning.
Gordon Bennet, the ZeitArmsAndShoulders are giving me some gyp.
An infinity of lawns mown (or at least it feels like an infinity).
The hedge thing down the garden duly hacked so I can walk on the garden paths without getting soaked or ending up on next door's lawn.
The ZeitTea this evening will be lentil <pfffffft> soup since it's been simmering on the hob since this morning.
Gordon Bennet, the ZeitArmsAndShoulders are giving me some gyp.