Miss V1 studied, Miss V2 did a 5k this morning with her Auntie, Miss V3 went to Gymnastics
Then 1&2 went shopping.
Mrs V went shopping
Miss V3 & I ripped the inner porch door & various frames out. Well I did the ripping & & micro V 'helped'
Bacon sarnie consumed, now working out how to move the frame 6 inches forward plus add some actual insulation as the last bodger threw some fibreglass up there and thought that was enough.
Then 1&2 went shopping.
Mrs V went shopping
Miss V3 & I ripped the inner porch door & various frames out. Well I did the ripping & & micro V 'helped'
Bacon sarnie consumed, now working out how to move the frame 6 inches forward plus add some actual insulation as the last bodger threw some fibreglass up there and thought that was enough.