I will post this again here so that everyone and everything is 100% clear
PM Tax Consulting Limited (Company number 11372173) has nothing to do with Phil Manley as that company checks out as a completely bona fida company belonging to someone with a 5+ year old linkedIn profile that completely matches the history of that company.
It seems that Phil was trading using the name PM Tax Consulting and was so sloppy that his trading name was also listed as the company's actual name elsewhere on the invoices when it should have been PMTC Limited.
Going beyond that it also seems that Phil was either promising things that weren't possible or taking on too much work in the time frame available given HMRC's 30th September deadline - which is why everything has come to a head.
However that is overridden by my no 1 rule when it comes to anything to do with these schemes - anyone who appears in the same sentence as Mr Venerables "QC" will instantly be filed by me into the dodgy and to be avoided section.
PM Tax Consulting Limited (Company number 11372173) has nothing to do with Phil Manley as that company checks out as a completely bona fida company belonging to someone with a 5+ year old linkedIn profile that completely matches the history of that company.
It seems that Phil was trading using the name PM Tax Consulting and was so sloppy that his trading name was also listed as the company's actual name elsewhere on the invoices when it should have been PMTC Limited.
Going beyond that it also seems that Phil was either promising things that weren't possible or taking on too much work in the time frame available given HMRC's 30th September deadline - which is why everything has come to a head.
However that is overridden by my no 1 rule when it comes to anything to do with these schemes - anyone who appears in the same sentence as Mr Venerables "QC" will instantly be filed by me into the dodgy and to be avoided section.