If your CV arrives into a client from more than one source, it suggests that ... you have been unprofessional ... it has been known that a contractor is completely disregarded if they have engaged a number of consultants to represent them.
"engaged a number of consultants to represent them"? I like that. Sounds like a good business model.
Doesn´t sound quite the same as "a number of salesmen may or may not be able to put you into a contract, so several of them want your CV in case they manage to be the ones to do it. Each one will tell you that they will put you forward and it would be a disaster for you if anyone else put you forward too. But in fact they may not have put you forward at all, because:
- they don´t have access to the client but they´re hoping to grab you before the preferred supplier does, so they can lever themselves into the chain, or
- they have someone else cheaper for the position, so they don´t want you availabe for it, whether through them or anyone else, or
- they have a completely different role for you that wouldn´t be your first choice, but if you can be kept out of your first choice, you might take that, when nobody else on their books will.".
Tell me I´m an old cynic.