Bacon market has gone up more than lettuce and tomato - but who cares. Everything is about money money money. Who cares if I am a sad obnioxious tw4t who everyone hates. I would sell my own grandma for an extra .01% return me.
Anyway, what would all you cretins know about anything. Look at me, me, me!
Sorry for not posting this tripe in tpd (or at least LR) but I am a narcistic w4nker with no life or social skills.
Just carrying on looking at me, me, me!
Anyway, what would all you cretins know about anything. Look at me, me, me!
Sorry for not posting this tripe in tpd (or at least LR) but I am a narcistic w4nker with no life or social skills.
Just carrying on looking at me, me, me!