In April I had a coil spring replaced in my car at garage A.
It's having some more work done today in garage B.
Garage B reckon the coil spring is either the wrong one or has been fitted wrong and will write a report for me.
So one of two things will happen. Garage A will say "garage B are right. We'll put that right straight away". Or they'll say "garage B is talking a load of rubbish. We're doing nowt". And I'm left with either a wrong/poorly fitted part or a niggling doubt.
What do the panel think will happen? Place your bets.
It's having some more work done today in garage B.
Garage B reckon the coil spring is either the wrong one or has been fitted wrong and will write a report for me.
So one of two things will happen. Garage A will say "garage B are right. We'll put that right straight away". Or they'll say "garage B is talking a load of rubbish. We're doing nowt". And I'm left with either a wrong/poorly fitted part or a niggling doubt.
What do the panel think will happen? Place your bets.