I've seen a few references on here along the lines of, work finishes early/dries up, you don't get paid. I'm relatively new to contracting but I try to meet my obligations, so no early exit. Most of my contracts have a mutual notice period, but comments seem to suggest this isn't worth the paper it's written on.
Surely if I sign a contract which gives a start date, provided I turn up it's up to them to find work for me, I have had a couple of contracts where it has taken them around a month to sort out equipment and access. I've done my best to be productive, but basically wasted 4-5 weeks. I've never been in a situation where I was terminated early, but if there is a 4 week notice period I would expect 4 weeks pay if they suddenly announced the work had dried up. If I was in a trade where you have several customers a week I would expect to offer some flexibility, but when I've wasted time interviewing, committed to them and dropped other potential contracts, arranged travel and accommodation, I expect some sort of recompense. I've taken the hit of losing a days pay and traveling to London for an interview, but if they get as far as a contract I expect payment.
Surely if I sign a contract which gives a start date, provided I turn up it's up to them to find work for me, I have had a couple of contracts where it has taken them around a month to sort out equipment and access. I've done my best to be productive, but basically wasted 4-5 weeks. I've never been in a situation where I was terminated early, but if there is a 4 week notice period I would expect 4 weeks pay if they suddenly announced the work had dried up. If I was in a trade where you have several customers a week I would expect to offer some flexibility, but when I've wasted time interviewing, committed to them and dropped other potential contracts, arranged travel and accommodation, I expect some sort of recompense. I've taken the hit of losing a days pay and traveling to London for an interview, but if they get as far as a contract I expect payment.