Where and when did this become a part of modern day English? If you see something you disapprove of, rather than form some constructive sentences to explain your disapproval, and weave in pathos/sarcasm/sardonism/satire to suit the circumstances and your own personal moaning style, you just get to point like a 3 year old would point at two dogs ******* and exclaim "really?".
It was cute in an American soap opera. Once!!!
It's the same as people who say "And I was so like ... OMG" rather than dare to reach for an adjective like "amazed" or "startled" or even one from the top drawer like "incredulous".
Is it not bad enough that our own soveriegnty is being handed over piece by piece to Europe, our currency drowning in the sea of currency death and our export markets going down the toilet that the one last vestage of our once great land, our language, the one most spoken the world over a few years back is also being diluted, perhaps more severely than our currency?
American telly, Geordie shore and Towie is the quantititave easing of our language.
Fight back people, use your vocabulary. You know you want to.
It was cute in an American soap opera. Once!!!
It's the same as people who say "And I was so like ... OMG" rather than dare to reach for an adjective like "amazed" or "startled" or even one from the top drawer like "incredulous".
Is it not bad enough that our own soveriegnty is being handed over piece by piece to Europe, our currency drowning in the sea of currency death and our export markets going down the toilet that the one last vestage of our once great land, our language, the one most spoken the world over a few years back is also being diluted, perhaps more severely than our currency?
American telly, Geordie shore and Towie is the quantititave easing of our language.
Fight back people, use your vocabulary. You know you want to.