The fan unit on our boiler started to die at the end of last week, and you never realise how you take having hot water readily available on tap for granted until it happens.
Even had a shower at 4a.m. on Sunday morning as I happened to notice it was working after taking a mid-night comfort break.
Plumbers said they could get the pump for £87+VAT, what! I thought and got it on Ebay for £56 inc VAT and delivery.
Ordered fan late Thursay night, arrived today, should be fitted tomorrow.
The wood burning stove in the kitchen has proved it's worth over the past few days.
Never take your boiler for granted.
Even had a shower at 4a.m. on Sunday morning as I happened to notice it was working after taking a mid-night comfort break.
Plumbers said they could get the pump for £87+VAT, what! I thought and got it on Ebay for £56 inc VAT and delivery.
Ordered fan late Thursay night, arrived today, should be fitted tomorrow.
The wood burning stove in the kitchen has proved it's worth over the past few days.
Never take your boiler for granted.