Simple me me me thread so tune out now if you like.
Bit of a story. The next door neighbour's wife is a bit disenchanted with men in general. They are useless layabouts in her opinion. I sit and listen to them ('er and SY02) belittle her husband and feel a bit sorry for him. Or at least I did.
A few weeks ago her car starts sputtering and running a bit rough. The RAC guy that recovered the car home said it was most likely a blown turbo. "Blimey" I thought. I was speaking to 'er next door about it, and it was a car that was bequeathed to her by her late father and she was sad to see it go. Beyond economical repair and all that. I asked her if I could hear it run. I listened to it, booted it a few times and drew the conclusion it was a failing injector. To confirm this (she was not convinced, cos the RAC man is always right ) so I got 'im next door to run it down to my local garage where I am on friendly terms with them. A tenner in the palm of one of the mechanics to test the car and give it a run and he confirmed my diagnosis. So I got 'im next door to bung some redex in the diesel filter and give it a bloody good run. It's running like new again.
So a few weeks later 'er next door's car throws a wheel bearing. RAC man recovers her car back home again. 'Im next door is now Eddy the expert on motors cos he "fixed" it last time. Anyways he starts waxing lyrical about how he's going to fix it with a hammer
"What's the hammer for mate?"
"Taking the bearing off, it will be on pretty tight"
So I talked him through the correct procedure for removing a wheel bearing and suggested he changed both sides at the same time. 'Er car has been a driveway ornament for the past month.
And you guessed it, 'er next door is back to all men are useless again.
This past week SY02's car when wrong, big time. And it's a flaming Volkswagen.
EGR valve borked. Inlet manifold flap actuator borked. Blown fuses. Running a tad rough. Quote from the garage over £700. Well seeing as I'm on the bench at the mo, and I can't wait to show 'er next door that not all blokes are useless I pull SY02's car to bits.
EGR valve cleaned and replaced. IMF actuator replaced (£175 + VAT). Fuses replaced. Then clear down the engine codes with my new toy, an engine code reader from ebay, only £25 but a handy tool to have in the drawer.
Haven't worked on cars in years, but used to be a bit of a hero haynes mechanic, engine rebuilds, transmission rebuilds etc etc.
SY02's car is running like a thoroughbred, and I didn't let the grass grow on this one either. So I am feeling pretty goddamn smug with myself at the minute.
Bit of a story. The next door neighbour's wife is a bit disenchanted with men in general. They are useless layabouts in her opinion. I sit and listen to them ('er and SY02) belittle her husband and feel a bit sorry for him. Or at least I did.
A few weeks ago her car starts sputtering and running a bit rough. The RAC guy that recovered the car home said it was most likely a blown turbo. "Blimey" I thought. I was speaking to 'er next door about it, and it was a car that was bequeathed to her by her late father and she was sad to see it go. Beyond economical repair and all that. I asked her if I could hear it run. I listened to it, booted it a few times and drew the conclusion it was a failing injector. To confirm this (she was not convinced, cos the RAC man is always right ) so I got 'im next door to run it down to my local garage where I am on friendly terms with them. A tenner in the palm of one of the mechanics to test the car and give it a run and he confirmed my diagnosis. So I got 'im next door to bung some redex in the diesel filter and give it a bloody good run. It's running like new again.
So a few weeks later 'er next door's car throws a wheel bearing. RAC man recovers her car back home again. 'Im next door is now Eddy the expert on motors cos he "fixed" it last time. Anyways he starts waxing lyrical about how he's going to fix it with a hammer
"What's the hammer for mate?"
"Taking the bearing off, it will be on pretty tight"
So I talked him through the correct procedure for removing a wheel bearing and suggested he changed both sides at the same time. 'Er car has been a driveway ornament for the past month.
And you guessed it, 'er next door is back to all men are useless again.
This past week SY02's car when wrong, big time. And it's a flaming Volkswagen.
EGR valve borked. Inlet manifold flap actuator borked. Blown fuses. Running a tad rough. Quote from the garage over £700. Well seeing as I'm on the bench at the mo, and I can't wait to show 'er next door that not all blokes are useless I pull SY02's car to bits.
EGR valve cleaned and replaced. IMF actuator replaced (£175 + VAT). Fuses replaced. Then clear down the engine codes with my new toy, an engine code reader from ebay, only £25 but a handy tool to have in the drawer.
Haven't worked on cars in years, but used to be a bit of a hero haynes mechanic, engine rebuilds, transmission rebuilds etc etc.
SY02's car is running like a thoroughbred, and I didn't let the grass grow on this one either. So I am feeling pretty goddamn smug with myself at the minute.