Working in a bank.
New project just in for a 32,000 customer merge project, will take approx 10 contractors a good 6 months to complete.
I asked the manager involved if he would be advertising the position on Jobserve as I have a couple of mates looking for work.
This is a bank proped up by the tax payer.
"Oh no we can have 10 Wipro guys in here within 10 working days from Chennai, the visas are fast tracked intra company and already pre-approved."
New project just in for a 32,000 customer merge project, will take approx 10 contractors a good 6 months to complete.
I asked the manager involved if he would be advertising the position on Jobserve as I have a couple of mates looking for work.
This is a bank proped up by the tax payer.
"Oh no we can have 10 Wipro guys in here within 10 working days from Chennai, the visas are fast tracked intra company and already pre-approved."