It is now time for gloating. Those of us who argued that the Euro would be a disaster have been proved rightWhat about you Milan? Or the FT? or the rest of the "left wing" establishment?
The great euro swindle - Telegraph
The central historical error of the modern Financial Times concerns the euro. The FT flung itself headlong into the pro-euro camp, embracing the cause with an almost religious passion. Doubts were dismissed. Here is the paper's Lex column on January 8, 2001, on the subject of Greek entry to the eurozone: "With Greece now trading in euros," reflected Lex, "few will mourn the death of the drachma. Membership of the eurozone offers the prospect of long-term economic stability." The FT offered a similarly warm welcome to Ireland.
And talking of idiots where is Pooperscoop?
At least Max hastings has the balls to admit he was wrong.
EU is a disaster blighting our lives | Mail Online
The great euro swindle - Telegraph
The central historical error of the modern Financial Times concerns the euro. The FT flung itself headlong into the pro-euro camp, embracing the cause with an almost religious passion. Doubts were dismissed. Here is the paper's Lex column on January 8, 2001, on the subject of Greek entry to the eurozone: "With Greece now trading in euros," reflected Lex, "few will mourn the death of the drachma. Membership of the eurozone offers the prospect of long-term economic stability." The FT offered a similarly warm welcome to Ireland.
And talking of idiots where is Pooperscoop?
At least Max hastings has the balls to admit he was wrong.
EU is a disaster blighting our lives | Mail Online