The Speed Awareness Course is just a government scam to extract more money. The one I attended was a half day and there were two classes each with 30 people in them. As has been said, they're only offered to people who have been marginally over the limit and not to people who are actually in need of some state re-education.
I attended it because I already had three points (got done in South Wales and they didn't offer one at the time) which doesn't really impact anything - 6 points starts to get insurance companies interested.
In Manchester the courses are run in a centre by the United and City training grounds and the council have cynically packed the road back to the motorway with speed cameras in the hope of catching people with 'previous' or footballers with flash cars.
I attended it because I already had three points (got done in South Wales and they didn't offer one at the time) which doesn't really impact anything - 6 points starts to get insurance companies interested.
In Manchester the courses are run in a centre by the United and City training grounds and the council have cynically packed the road back to the motorway with speed cameras in the hope of catching people with 'previous' or footballers with flash cars.