As much as many will view this as a storm in a a teacup, I think the political significance and fallout could be quite far-reaching to the point where it could affect the result of the election.
Most people on this board have made up their minds and can see what NL is and that they are not a force of civil empowerment and liberty but they embody control and centralisation for the benefit of goverment and not civil populace.
This incident will resonate with the sizable majority of people who still believe NL is the party of the people and is a very clear indication of the contempt GB and by extension NL hold the general public in.
What a moron though, I kind of thought he had some integrity after blowing off Cleggers and would have had a lot more respect if he had come out and said, "I think you are a bigot because..." , but that would have been suicide as it would reveal the true policies on immigration and Europe, which I think in the most optimistic discription could be described as "lassiez faire".
I do not think any of the other parties are really that much better though, but if they refrain from making fu's like this at least I can creadit them with less ego and more intelligence
As much as many will view this as a storm in a a teacup, I think the political significance and fallout could be quite far-reaching to the point where it could affect the result of the election.
Most people on this board have made up their minds and can see what NL is and that they are not a force of civil empowerment and liberty but they embody control and centralisation for the benefit of goverment and not civil populace.
This incident will resonate with the sizable majority of people who still believe NL is the party of the people and is a very clear indication of the contempt GB and by extension NL hold the general public in.
What a moron though, I kind of thought he had some integrity after blowing off Cleggers and would have had a lot more respect if he had come out and said, "I think you are a bigot because..." , but that would have been suicide as it would reveal the true policies on immigration and Europe, which I think in the most optimistic discription could be described as "lassiez faire".
I do not think any of the other parties are really that much better though, but if they refrain from making fu's like this at least I can creadit them with less ego and more intelligence