When working for an Indian manager, the last thing I want this post to be is racist attack, the reason I am asking is because I have an opportunity to work for a good company, only the manager is Indian, you see, I worked for a few Indian bosses in the past, but never had a good experience, they micro-manage, never say please or thank you, expect you to work like a slave, but always take the credit for my work, promote their own people even if they are complete imbecile - its like a code of honor for them to stick together.
So if anyone here had good experience working for an Indian manager (Manager no managee, there is a great difference in their behaviour when they are working for you) please do post and tell me am being silly and bloody minded!!
So if anyone here had good experience working for an Indian manager (Manager no managee, there is a great difference in their behaviour when they are working for you) please do post and tell me am being silly and bloody minded!!