Indeed BGG our Democracy is a total sham to be honest.
We get the illusion of Democracy every 5 or so years, a party will get an unassailable majority with 40ish % of the popular vote and then the politicians can (and do) completely ignore the electorate until the next sham election.
We bleat on the international stage about corrupt electoral systems and dictatorships, but I honestly don't see how the UK's Party whip system differs markedly from any other corrupt government.
Our elected representatives (MP's) are supposed to represent the interests of their electorate, but the Party system is so deeply embedded that the MP's represent the interests of their party even when those interests are directly in opposition to the good of their electorate.
If, god forbid, an MP has the guts to stand up for local interests and vote against the party line then they're disposed of asap and utterly sidelined immediately.
To top things off our MP's blithely vote in measures that specifically exclude themselves from being subject to as MP's which amounts to nothing short of corruption by any reasonable definition.
We get the illusion of Democracy every 5 or so years, a party will get an unassailable majority with 40ish % of the popular vote and then the politicians can (and do) completely ignore the electorate until the next sham election.
We bleat on the international stage about corrupt electoral systems and dictatorships, but I honestly don't see how the UK's Party whip system differs markedly from any other corrupt government.
Our elected representatives (MP's) are supposed to represent the interests of their electorate, but the Party system is so deeply embedded that the MP's represent the interests of their party even when those interests are directly in opposition to the good of their electorate.
If, god forbid, an MP has the guts to stand up for local interests and vote against the party line then they're disposed of asap and utterly sidelined immediately.
To top things off our MP's blithely vote in measures that specifically exclude themselves from being subject to as MP's which amounts to nothing short of corruption by any reasonable definition.